Election Integrity 2020 Election Cases


2020 US Presidential Election Related Lawsuits
(Public Version 10-6-23)(Note: this list is sorted chronologically)
#Election Integrity Cases with Trump as PlaintiffDate FiledTopic *Decided on Merits **StateIssue(s)DispositionRuling FavoredDate of Last OrderStatus
1Donald J. Trump for Pres., Inc. v. Boockvar, No. 2:20-cv-00966 (Western D PA)6/29/20PROCESSNOPennsylvaniaVote-by-Mail (Notice/Cure for Mismatches Missing Signature or Mistakes; Witness Requirements; Failure to include ID/Doc; etc.)Dismissed - Lack Standing on federal claims; Other claims did not have a statutory basisCase Not Fully Heard10/10/20Closed
2Donald J. Trump for President v. Cegavske, No. 2:20-cv-01445 (District NV)8/04/20RULESNONevadaVote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution)Dismissed - Lacked Standing and JurisdictionCase Not Fully Heard10/22/20Closed
3RNC/Trump v. Miller, No. 06571 EQCV095986 (Iowa District Court, Linn County)8/10/20RULESYESIowaVote-by-Mail (pre-populating ballots should not be allowed)Granted Injunction. Iowa counties were told to send blank ballotsTrump/GOP12/20/20Closed
4Donald J. Trump for President v. Murphy, No. 3:20-cv-10753 (District NJ)8/19/20RULESNONew JerseyGovernor mandates all votes to be by mailDismissed - Lacked StandingCase Not Fully Heard10/22/20Closed
5Donald J. Trump for President et al v. Bullock et al, No. 6:20-cv-00066 (D. Mont.)9/02/20RULESTBDMontanaVote-by-Mail (Claim that the Governor exceeded his authority, etc.)Consolidated with Lamm caseSee Lamm case9/30/20Consolidated
6Donald J. Trump for Pres., Inc. v. Philadelphia County Board of Elections, No. 200902035 (PA Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia County)10/01/20RULESYESPennsylvaniaPoll observers were not allowed at early voting locationsDenied on statutory basisElection Administrators10/23/20Closed
Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Philadelphia County, No. 983 CD 2020 (Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court)10/15/20
7In re November 3, 2020 Gen. Election, No. 149 MM 2020 (Penn. Supreme Court)10/04/20PROCESSNOPennsylvaniaSignature VerificationDenied on statutory basisElection Administrators2/22/21Closed
Trump v. Boockvar, No. 20-845 (US Supreme Court)12/20/20Vote-by-Mail (Poll Observer Access; Signature Verification Standards; Notice/Cure for Mismatches Missing Signature or Mistakes)Dismissed - Moot/ Cert Denied
8Donald J. Trump for President v. Simon, No. A20-1362 (Minn. Supreme Court)10/28/20RULESYESMinnesotaVote-by-Mail (Mail Voting Deadlines [for Applying, Receiving, Postmark])Granted Injunction. Sequestration of late ballotsTrump/GOP10/29/20Closed
9Donald J. Trump for President v. Gloria, No. A-20-824153-C (NV District Court)11/03/20RULESYESNevadaRequested voting time extensionGranted.  Extended poll hours.Trump/GOP11/3/20Closed
10In Re: Canvassing Observation, No. 7003 (PA Ct. Common Pleas, Phil. Cnty)11/03/20PROCESSNOPennsylvaniaPoll observers do not have sufficient proximity to canvassing.Denied - Poll observer accessElection Administrators2/22/21Closed
In Re: Canvassing Observation, No. 1094 CD 2020 (PA Commonwealth Ct)11/04/20Appeal Granted - Poll observer accessTrump/GOP
In Re: Canvassing Observation, No. 30 EAP 2020 (Penn. Supreme Court)11/05/20ReversedElection Administrators
Trump v. Boockvar, No. 30 EAP 2020 20-845 (US Supreme Court)12/20/20Dismissed - Moot/ Cert DeniedElection Administrators
11Donald Trump for Pres. v. Benson, No. 20-000225-MZ (MI Court of Claims)11/04/20RULES & PROCESSNOMichiganVote-by-Mail (Drop Boxes/Drop Off Locations; Poll Observer Access)Dismissed - Lacked Timeliness; MootCase Not Fully Heard12/11/20Closed
Donald J. Trump for President v. Benson, No. 355378 (MI Appeals Court)11/30/20
Donald J. Trump for President v. Benson, No. 162320 (MI Supreme Court)12/17/20
12Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Kathy Boockvar, et al., No. 602 MD 2020 (Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania)11/04/20RULESYESPennsylvaniaVote-by-Mail (Sec of State can not allow ID proof to be delayed by several days)Granted Injunction. Late ballots without ID not counted.Trump/GOP11/12/20Closed
13In re Enforcement of Election Laws and Securing Ballots Cast or Received After 7:00 P.M. on November 3, 2020, No. SPCV20-00982 (GA Superior Court)11/04/20RULESYESGeorgiaSequestration of Absentee Ballots submitted after Election DayDenied on statutory basisElection Administrators11/5/20Closed
14Donald J. Trump for Pres., Inc. v. Philadelphia Cnty. Bd. of Elections, No. 2:20-cv-05533-PD (Eastern District Court Pennsylvania)11/05/20PROCESSNAPennsylvaniaPoll observers at early voting locationsVoluntarily Dismissed (withdrawn)Case Not Fully Heard11/5/20Closed
15Donald J. Trump for President Inc. v. Montgomery County Board of Elections...11/05/20RULESYESPennsylvaniaNo addresses on 600± absentee ballotsDenied on statutory basisElection Administrators11/13/20Closed
16Donald J. Trump for President Inc. v. Hobbs, No. CV2020-014248 (AZ Super)11/07/20PROCESSNOArizonaCancelled votesDismissed - MootCase Not Fully Heard11/16/20Closed
17Donald J. Trump for Pres., Inc. v. Boockvar, No. 4:20-cv-02078 (M.D. PA)11/09/20RULESNOPennsylvaniaInsufficient poll watching of absentee ballots, etc.Dismissed - Lacked StandingCase Not Fully Heard11/27/20Closed
Donald J. Trump for Pres., Inc. v. Boockvar, No. 20-3371 (3rd Circuit)11/22/20
Donald J. Trump for President v. Boockvar, No. 20-3371 (3rd Cir Appeals)11/23/20Appellants seek review of the district court for denying their Motion to Amend …
18Donald J. Trump for President Inc. v. Bucks County Board of Elections, No. 20-05786-35 (Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Bucks County)11/09/20PROCESSYESPennsylvaniaVote-by-Mail Issue: 2177 Ballots were objected to for various reasons — e.g. unsigned, etc. It then came down to 69 ballots received in unsealed envelopes.Denied on statutory basisElection Administrators12/8/20Closed
Donald J. Trump for President Inc. v. Bucks County Board of Elections, No. 1191 C.D. 2020 (PA Commonwealth Court)11/20/20
Donald J. Trump for President Inc. v. Bucks County Board of Elections, Nos. 174/676 MAL 2020 (PA Supreme Court)11/21/20
19In Re: Canvass of Absentee and Mail-In Ballots of November 3, 2020 General Election, No. 20110894 (Penn. Ct. Common Pleas, Philadelphia County)11/10/20PROCESSNOPennsylvaniaVote-by-Mail Issues (Poll Observer Access; Signature Verification Standards; Notice/Cure for Mismatches Missing Signature or Mistakes)Denied - Interpretation of Election Code (voter did not print name nor include street address)Election Administrators2/22/21Closed
"   "   "   "   No. 20110895 (Penn. Ct. Common Pleas, Philadelphia County)11/10/20
"   "   "   "   No. 20110896 (Penn. Ct. Common Pleas, Philadelphia County)11/10/20
"   "   "   "   No. 20110897 (Penn. Ct. Common Pleas, Philadelphia County)11/10/20
"   "   "   "   No. 20110898 (Penn. Ct. Common Pleas, Philadelphia County)11/10/20
"   "   "   "   No. 31 EAP 202011/18/20
Trump v. Boockvar, Nos. 31 EAP 2020, 32 EAP 2020, 33 EAP 2020, 34 EAP 2020, 35 EAP 2020, 29 WAP 2020 (US Supreme Court)12/20/20Dismissed - Moot/ Cert Denied
20Donald J. Trump for President Inc. v. Benson, No. 1:20-cv-01083 (W.D. Mich.)11/11/20PROCESSNAMichiganFor Wayne County not to certify their resultsVoluntarily WithdrawnTrump/GOP: Wayne County votes not certified11/19/20Closed
21Trump v. Evers, No. 2020AP1971-OA (Wisconsin Supreme Court)12/01/20PROCESSNOWisconsinVote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution; Notice/Cure for Mismatches Missing Signature or Mistakes)Dismissed - JurisdictionCase Not Fully Heard12/3/20Closed
22Trump v. Wisconsin Elections Commissions, No. 2:20-cv-01785 (E.D. Wis.)12/02/20PROCESSTBDWisconsinVote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution)Denied:  Moot; Statutes not violated. Case Not Fully Heard3/8/21Closed
Trump v. Wisconsin Elections Commissions, No. 20-3414 (7th Circuit Court)12/12/20Authority To Act (Electors Clause)Denied: Laches; Statutes not violated
Trump v. Wisconsin Elections Commissions, No. 20-883 (US Supreme Court)12/30/20Case Not Heard
23Trump v. Biden, No. 2020CV007092 (WI Superior Court, Milwaukee County)12/03/20RULES & PROCESSNOWisconsinRecount; Illegal Ballots CastCourt affirmed recountElection Administrators2/22/21Closed
Trump v. Biden, No. 2020AP2038 (Wisconsin Supreme Court)12/11/20Illegal Ballots CastDenied: Laches; Statutes not violated
Trump v. Biden, No. 20-882 (US Supreme Court)12/29/20Dismissed - Moot/ Cert Denied
24Trump v. Raffensperger, No. 2020CV343255 (GA Superior Court, Fulton County)12/04/20RULESNAGeorgiaVote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution)Voluntarily Dismissed (withdrawn)Case Not Fully Heard1/7/21Closed
Trump v. Raffensperger, No. S21M0561 (Georgia Supreme Court)12/11/20Authority To Act (Other)Dismissed - Jurisdiction
25Trump v. Toulouse Oliver, No. 1:20-cv-01289 (District Court, New Mexico)12/14/20PROCESSNONew MexicoVote-by-Mail (Drop Boxes/Drop Off Locations)Voluntarily WithdrawnCase Not Fully Heard12/15/20Closed
26Trump v. Kemp, No. 1:20-cv-05310-MHC (North District Georgia)12/31/20RULESNOGeorgiaAuthority To Act (Electors Clause)Dismissed - Lacked StandingCase Not Fully Heard1/5/21Closed
 Filings with Trump as Plaintiff Subtotals = 26 8Note: Trump prevailed in 4 out of 8 cases decided on the meritsTrump as Plaintiff: Active =0
#Election Integrity Cases with GOP, et al as PlaintiffsDate FiledTopic *Decided on Merits **StateIssue(s)DispositionRuling FavoredDate of Last OrderStatus
27Jefferson v. Dane County, No. 2020AP000557 – OA (Wisconsin Supreme Court)3/27/20RULESYESWisconsinMisleading info re absentee ballotsGranted motion for TROTrump/GOP12/14/20Closed
28Curtin v. VA State Bd. of Elections, No. 1:20-cv-00546 (E.D. Virginia)5/13/20RULESNOVirginiaAbsentee ballots increases voter fraud Dismissed - LachesCase Not Fully Heard9/7/20Closed
29Ritchie v. Polis, No. 2020CV31708 (Colorado District Court, Denver)5/18/20RULESYESColoradoObjected to the Governor being able to change some of the Vote-by-Mail rules.Denied on statutory basisElection Administrators9/1/20Closed
Ritchie v. Polis, No. 20CA983 (Colorado Court Appeals)6/01/20
Ritchie v. Polis, No. 20SC453 (Colorado Supreme Court)6/10/20OverturnedTrump/GOP
30RNC v. Newsom, No. 2:20-cv-01055 (E.D. California)5/24/20RULESYESCaliforniaGovernor can not bypass LegislatureWithdrawn as Governor compliedTrump/GOP9/1/20Closed
31Davis v. Benson, No. 20-000099-MM (MI Court of Claims)5/28/20RULESNOMichiganVote-by-Mail (Other Vote-by-Mail Issue) [Consolidated with Black v. Benson and Cooper-Keel v. Benson.]Denied on statutory basis, as Plaintiff did not show irreparable harm, etc.Case Not Fully Heard3/5/21Closed
Davis v. Benson, No. 1:20-cv-00768 (MI Western District Court)8/13/20
Davis v. Benson, No. 354622 (Michigan Court of Appeals)8/14/20
Davis v. Benson, No. 1:20-cv-00981 (MI Western District Court)10/14/20Dismissed - Moot
32Daunt v. Benson, Case 1:20-cv-00522-RJJ-RSK (MI Western District Court)6/09/20VOTERYESMichiganClean-up, purge voter rollsState agreed to update voter rollsTrump/GOP2/16/21Closed
33PA Democratic Party v. Boockvar #407-MD-2020 (PA Commw Ct)7/10/20RULESYESPennsylvaniaVote-by-Mail (Mail Voting Deadlines [for Applying, Receiving, Postmark], etc.)                  [Note: plaintiff was Democratic Party]Partial victorySplit Verdict2/22/21Closed
PA Democratic Party v. Boockvar, No. 133 MM 2020 (PA Supreme Ct)8/16/20
Republican Party of PA v. Boockvar, Et Al., No. 20-542 (US Supreme Court)10/19/20
34Reed-Pratt v. Winfrey, No. 3:20-cv-12129 (MI Eastern District Court)8/08/20RULESNOMichiganVote-by-Mail: Unsolicited mailing of absentee voter applicationDismissed as Legislation PendingCase Not Fully Heard1/19/21Closed
Reed-Pratt v. Winfrey, No. 20-1876 (6th Circuit Court of Appeals)9/10/20Sent back to lower court
Reed-Pratt v. Winfrey, No. 3:20-cv-12129 (MI Eastern District Court)9/10/20Dismissed - Moot
35RNC v. Weipert, No. 06521 CVCV081957 (Iowa District Court, Johnson County)8/10/20RULESYESIowaVote-by-Mail (Signature Verification Standards; Claim that Mail Voting Leads to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution; Other Vote-by-Mail Issue)Corrective Action OrderedTrump/GOP9/12/20Closed
36RNC v. Gill, No. 03971 EQCV193154 (Iowa District Court, Woodbury County)8/14/20RULESYESIowaPrepopulating of mail-in ballotsInjunction GrantedTrump/GOP10/16/20Closed
RNC v. Gill, No. 20-1169 (Iowa Supreme Court)8/15/20Stay Granted
37Election Integrity Fund v. Benson, No. 20-000169-MM (MI Court of Claims)8/24/20RULESNOMichiganVote-by-Mail: Allowing online applicationsConsolidated: See line #69Case Not Fully Heard12/11/20Consolidated
38Texas v. Hollins, No. 2020-52383 (TX District Court, Harris County)8/31/20RULESYESTexasCounty Clerk sending mail-in ballots to all voters in the election.Insufficient evidence of harmGOP Defendant10/17/20Closed
Texas v. Hollins, No. 14-20-00627-CV (Texas Court of Appeals)9/14/20
Texas v. Hollins, Nos. 20-0715 & 20-0729 (Texas Supreme Court)9/22/20Over turned and agreed w Plaintiff
39Election Integrity Proj of NV v. NV, No. A-20-820510-C (NV Dist Ct, Clark Cnty)9/01/20RULESNONevadaNew Nevada statute AB4 increased likelihood of voter fraudDismissed - Lacked RipenessCase Not Fully Heard10/18/20Closed
Election Integrity Project of NV v. Nevada, No. 81847 (NV Superior Court)9/25/20
40Martel v. Condos, No. 5:20-cv-00131 (District of Vermont)9/04/20RULESNOVermontSec of State exceeded their authorityDismissed - Lacked StandingCase Not Fully Heard10/15/20Closed
41Lamm v. Bullock, No. 6:20-cv-00067 (District Court Montana)9/09/20RULESNOMontanaVote-by-Mail (Claim that the Governor exceeded his authority, etc.)Insufficient EvidenceElection Administrators10/8/20Closed
Lamm v. Bullock, No. 20-35847 (9th Circuit Court of Appeals)9/30/20Appeal
Lamm v. Bullock, No. 20A61 (US Supreme Court)10/06/20Denied - No Opinion
42Carson et al v. Simon, No. 0:20-cv-02030 (District Court Minnesota)9/22/20RULESYESMinnesotaObjected to State not enforcing Minnesota’s Election-Day ballot receipt deadlineDenied requestTrump/GOP11/5/20Closed
Carson v. Simon, No. 20-3139 (8th Circuit Court of Appeals)10/20/20Granted: Reversed lower court
43Monmouth County Republican Committee v. Way, No. 3:20-cv-13914 (District Court of NJ) & No. MON-L-003019-20 (NJ Superior Court, Monmouth County)9/24/20RULESNONew JerseyVarious absentee ballot issuesConsolidated with Murphy caseCase Not Fully Heard10/20/20Consolidated
44Penn. Voters Alliance v. Centre County, No. 4:20-cv-01761 (M.D. PA)9/25/20RULESTBDPennsylvaniaPrivate Funding Encourages Illegal Ballots.     [At Supreme Court combined w similar lawsuits from other states: WI, MI, MN, IO, TX, GA, SC.]Dismissed - Lacked Standing & LachesCase Not Fully Heard1/11/21Closed
Penn. Voters Alliance v. Centre County, No. 20-3175 (3d Circuit Appeals)10/22/20
Penn. Voters Alliance v. Centre Cnty., No. 20-553 (US Supreme Court)10/26/20Petition denied
45Moore v. Circosta, No. 4:20-cv-00182 (Eastern District of NC)  9/26/20RULESNONorth CarolinaPlaintiffs oppose relaxation of voting requirements due to COVID-19Dismissed - Lacked Standing & LachesCase Not Fully Heard12/6/20Closed
Moore v. Circosta, No. 20-02107 (4th Circuit Court of Appeals)10/15/20
Moore v. Circosta, No. 20A72 (US Supreme Court)10/22/20
46Wise v. N.C. State Bd. of Elections, No. 5:20-cv-00505 (E.D. NC)9/26/20RULES & PROCESSNONorth CarolinaVote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution, etc.)At US Supreme Court this case was consolidated with Moore v. CircostaSee Moore v Circosta case12/6/20Consolidated
Wise v. NC State Bd. of Elections, No. 20-2063 (4th Circuit Appeals)10/18/20Extension of voting deadlines
Wise v. NC State Bd. of Elections, No. 20A71 (US Supreme Court)10/26/20
47Mi Familia Vota v. Hobbs, No. 2:20-cv-01903 (Arizona District Court)9/30/20RULESNOArizonaObjection to State's voter deadlineSupported by statute, but overturned on technical groundsCase Not Fully Heard10/20/20Closed
Mi Familia Vota v. Hobbs, No. 20-16932 (9th Circuit Court of Appeals)10/13/20
48Judicial Watch v. Griswold, No. 1:20-cv-02992 (Colorado District Court)10/05/20PROCESSYESColoradoObjection to inaccurate voter filesColorado agreed to fix issuesGOP Defendant5/30/23Closed
49Arnett v. NC State Bd of Elections, No. 20 CVS 00570 (NC Sup Ct, Duplin Cnty)10/05/20PROCESSTBDNorth CarolinaTransparency in counting Absentee BallotsCourt said mediation is necessaryTBD10/29/20Closed
50Reed v. Virginia Dept. of Elections No. 20-622 (Frederick Circuit Court)10/09/20RULESYESVirginiaEnforce  statutes governing the acceptance of absentee ballots with respect to postmarksGrantedGOP Defendant1/13/21Closed
51PILF v. Boockvar No. 1:20-cv-1905 (Middle District Court of PA)10/15/20VOTERYESPennsylvaniaClean-up, purge voter rolls, esp deceasedState agreed to update voter rollsGOP Defendant4/7/21Closed
52Bognet v. Boockvar, No. 3:20-cv-00215 (Western District Pennsylvania)10/22/20RULESTBDPennsylvaniaIllegal extension of voting deadlineDismissed - Lacked StandingElection Administrators4/19/21Closed
Bognet v. Boockvar, No. 20-3214 (3rd Circuit Court of Appeals)10/29/20
Bognet v. Boockvar No. 20-740 (US Supreme Court)11/20/20Dismissed - Moot
53Kraus v. Cegavske, No. 20 OC 00142 1B (Nev. Dist. Ct., Carson City)10/23/20RULES & PROCESSYESNevadaVote-by-Mail (Poll Observer Access; Signature Verification Standards; Notice/Cure for Mismatches Missing Signature or Mistakes)Dismissed - Lacked StandingSplit Verdict11/10/20Closed
Kraus v. Cegavske, No. 82018 (Nevada Supreme Court)11/03/20Agreed to more poll watchers
54Hotze v. Hollins No. 20-0863 (Supreme Court of Texas)10/27/20RULESNOTexasWhether drive-through voting should be allowedDismissed - Lacked StandingElection Administrators12/17/20Closed
Hotze v. Hollins  No. 20-20574 (U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit)11/02/20
55Nevada Republican Central Committee v. Clark County, No. A-20-8238210W (Nevada District Court, Clark County)10/27/20MISCYESNevadaRequest for various voter dataMostly GrantedTrump/GOP11/2/20Closed
56In re Enforcement of Election Laws and Securing Ballots Cast or Received After 7:00 P.M. on November 3, 2020, No. SPCV20-00982 (Georgia Superior Court)11/04/20PROCESSYESGeorgiaSequester ballots after election dayDenied - no evidence of law violationsElection Administrators11/19/20Closed
57Costantino v. Detroit, No. 20-014780-AW (3rd Circuit Court)11/09/20PROCESSNOMichiganVote-by-Mail (Multiple process deficiencies)Insufficient EvidenceElection Administrators11/24/20Closed
Costantino v. Detroit, No. 355443 (Michigan Court of Appeals)11/16/20Denied on statutory basis
Costantino v. Detroit, No. 162245 (Michigan Supreme Court)11/17/20Dismissed - Moot
58Pirkle v. Wolf, No. 4:20-cv-02088-MWB (Middle District Pennsylvania)11/10/20RULES & PROCESSNAPennsylvaniaVote-by-Mail (Signature Verification Standards; Poll Observer Access)Voluntarily Dismissed (withdrawn)Case Not Fully Heard11/16/20Closed
59Bally v. Whitmer, No. 1:20-cv-1088 (Western District Michigan)11/11/20RULES & PROCESSNAMichiganVote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution; Observer Access)Voluntarily Dismissed (withdrawn)Case Not Fully Heard11/16/20Closed
60Ziccarelli v. Allegheny County B of E, No. GD-20-11654 (PA Common Pleas)11/12/20RULES & PROCESSTBDPennsylvaniaVote-by-Mail (Failure to write name, address, and date on outer envelope, etc.)Now at Supreme Court, consolidated with PA "Canvassing" cases above See PA Canvassing case11/23/20Consolidated
Ziccarelli v. Allegheny County B of E, No. 1162 CD 2020 (PA Common. Ct.)11/19/20
Ziccarelli v. Allegheny County B of E, No. 29 WAP 2020 (PA Supreme Court)11/20/20
61Lin Wood v. Raffensperger, No. 1:20-cv-04651-SDG (North District Georgia)11/13/20RULESNOGeorgiaState allowed procedures that are different from the Georgia Election CodeDismissed - Lacked StandingElection Administrators2/22/21Closed
Lin Wood v. Raffensperger, No. 20-14418 (11th Circuit)11/24/20
Lin Wood v. Raffensperger, No. 20-799 (US Supreme Court)12/08/20Dismissed - Moot/ Cert Denied
62Law v. Whitmer, No. 10 OC 00163 1B (Nev. Dist. Ct., Carson City)11/17/20MACHINEYESNevadaChallenge to Voting Machinery / Hardware / Software: Accepting Invalid SignaturesDenied on statutory basis. (Discovery opposed and not granted.)Election Administrators12/17/20Closed
Law v. Whitmer, No. 82178 (Nev. Supreme Court)12/10/20
63Kelly v. Pennsylvania, No. 620 MD 2020 (PA Commonwealth Court)11/21/20RULES & PROCESSTBDPennsylvaniaLegality of No Excuse Absentee votingInjunction GrantedTrump/GOP2/22/21Closed
Kelly v. Pennsylvania, No. No. 68 MAP 2020 (PA Supreme Court)11/25/20Dismissed - Timeliness (Laches)Election Administrators
Kelly v. Pennsylvania, No. 20A98 / 20-810 (US Supreme Court)12/03/20Dismissed - Moot/ Cert Denied
64Kistner v. Simon No. A20-1486 (Minnesota Supreme Court)11/24/20PROCESSNOMinnesotaVote by Mail (Ballot harvesting; signature matching; etc.)Dismissed - Timeliness (Laches) and JurisdictionCase Not Fully Heard12/4/20Closed
65Bailey v. Antrim County No. 20-9238-C2 (Antrim Michigan Circuit Court)11/25/20MACHINEYESMichiganVoting machine improperly counted votesDiscovery Granted: Defendant agreed with Plaintiff's complaintTrump/GOP4/21/22Closed
Bailey v. Antrim County  (Appeals Court)4/21/22
66Wood v. Raffensperger, No. 2020CV342959 (GA Superior Court, Fulton County)11/25/20RULESNOGeorgiaGA should not have accepted a grantDismissed - Sovereign ImmunityCase Not Fully Heard12/7/20Closed
67Pearson v. Kemp, No. 1:20-cv-04809-TCB (GA Northern District)11/25/20MACHINENOGeorgiaVoting machine irregularitiesDismissed - JurisdictionElection Administrators1/19/21Closed
Pearson v. Kemp, No. 20-14480 (11th Circuit Court of Appeals)11/25/20
In Re Pearson v. Kemp, No. 20-816 (US Supreme Court)12/03/20Voluntarily Dismissed (withdrawn)Case Not Fully Heard
68King v. Whitmer, No. 2:20-cv-13134 (Eastern District of Michigan)11/25/20PROCESSNOMichiganVote-by-Mail (Poll Observer Access; Ballots were Forged or Altered)Dismissed - Timeliness (Laches)Election Administrators2/22/21Closed
King v. Whitmer, No. 20-2205 (6th Circuit Court of Appeals)12/08/20
King v. Whitmer, No. 20-815 (US Supreme Court)12/11/20Dismissed - Moot/ Cert Denied
69Johnson v. Benson, No. 162286 (Michigan Supreme Court)11/26/20PROCESSNOMichiganVote-by-Mail (Other Vote-by-Mail Issue)Dismissed - Jurisdiction & MootCase Not Fully Heard12/9/20Closed
70Mueller v. Jacobs, No. 2020AP1958-OA (Wisconsin Supreme Court)11/27/20RULESNOWisconsinVote-by-Mail (Ballot drop boxes)Dismissed - MootCase Not Fully Heard12/4/20Closed
71Hahn v. Simon, No. 14-CV-20-4033 (Clay County District Court)11/30/20 PROCESS   & VOTERSNOMinnesotaVote-by-Mail (e.g. Poll Observer Access). Voter Irregularities (Duplicate Votes, etc.)Dismissed - Timeliness & JurisdictionElection Administrators1/13/21Closed
Hahn v. Keeler, No. A20-1654 (Minnesota Supreme Court)1/13/21
72Ward v. Jackson, No. CV2020-015285 (Ariz. Superior Court, Maricopa County11/30/20PROCESSNOArizonaVote-by-Mail (e.g. Poll Observer Access, Poll Observer Qualifications, etc.)No proof of fraudElection Administrators2/22/21Closed
Ward v. Jackson, No. CV-20-0343-AP/EL (Ariz. Supreme Court)12/04/20
Ward v. Jackson, No. 20-809 (US Supreme Court)12/11/20Dismissed - Moot/ Cert Denied
73Braun v. Simon (+similar) No. 62-CV-20-5599/5600/5601/5602 (MN District Court)12/01/20PROCESSNOMinnesotaAlleges statutory violations and irregularities in the post-election review process.Dismissed - No ExplanationCase Not Fully Heard12/18/20Closed
74Feehan v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, No. 2:20-cv-1771 (E.D. Wis.)12/01/20RULES & PROCESSNOWisconsinVote-by-Mail (Failure to Include ID Documentation)Dismissed - Lacked Standing and JurisdictionCase Not Fully Heard12/9/20Closed
75Bowyer v. Ducey, No. 2:20-cv-02321-DJH (District Court of AZ)12/02/20RULESNOArizonaAuthority To Act (Elections Clause, etc.)Dismissed - Lacked StandingCase Not Fully Heard12/9/20Closed
76Metcalfe v. Wolf, No. 636 MD 2020 (Penn Commwealth Court)12/04/20PROCESSNOPennsylvaniaOfficials violated portions of Election CodeDismissed - Laches and JurisdictionCase Not Fully Heard12/13/20Closed
77Burk v. Ducey, No. CV202001869 (AZ Superior Court, Pinal County)12/07/20MACHINENOArizonaIllegal ballots inserted into mail system which were counted while Plaintiff was denied her right to vote.Dismissed - Lacked StandingCase Not Fully Heard5/3/21Closed
Burk v. Ducey, No. CV-20-0349-AP/EL (Arizona Supreme Court)12/16/20
Burk v. Ducey, (US Supreme Court)3/03/21
78Texas v. Penn, Wisc, Mich, Georgia, No. 22O155 (US Supreme Court)12/07/20RULESNOVariousViolations of State Election LawsDismissed - Lacked StandingCase Not Fully Heard12/15/20Closed
79Still v. Raffensperger, No. 2020CV343711 (GA Superior Court, Fulton Cnty.)12/12/20RULESNAGeorgiaVote-by-Mail (Claim that Mail Voting Leads to Fraud and/or Vote Dilution)Voluntarily Dismissed (withdrawn)Case Not Fully Heard1/7/21Closed
80O'Rourke, et al v. Dominion, et al No. 1:20-cv-3747 (Colorado District Court)12/22/20MACHINE +NOColoradoUse unreliable voting machines, etc., etc.Dismissed - Lacked StandingCase Not Fully Heard5/9/23Closed
O'Rourke, et al v. Dominion, et al No. 1:20-cv-3747 (US Appeals, Tenth Circuit)12/23/21
81Favorito v. Cooney, No. 2020CV343938 (GA Superior Ct, Fulton Cnty)12/23/20PROCESSYESGeorgiaImproper ballot counting: ask to inspect ballotsGrantedTrump/GOP5/21/21Closed
82Election Integrity Project v. Padilla, No. 2:21-cv-32 (District Court, C.D. California)1/04/21RULES & MACHINETBDCaliforniaViolations of State and Federal Election Laws; Voting machine irregularitiesLower court dismissed all claims. Case is currently under appealTBD9/14/23Active
Election Integrity Project v. Weber, No. 2:21-cv-32 (9th Circuit Ct of Appeals)9/27/21
83Genetski & MI GOP v. Benson, No. 20-216-MM (Michigan Court of Claims)1/20/21PROCESSYESMichiganViolations of State Election Laws re signature verification, etcGrantedTrump/GOP3/9/21Closed
84Daugherty v. Fulton, No. 2021CV344953 (GA Superior Court, Fulton Cnty)1/25/21PROCESSTBDGeorgiaGA elections should not have been certifiedDismissed - Timeliness (Laches)Case Not Fully Heard8/2/21Closed
85VoterGA v. Gwinnett Cty Bd of Elections, No. 20-A-08626-2 (Superior Ct, Gwinnett)3/22/21PROCESSYESGeorgiaImproper ballot counting: ask to inspect ballotsGrantedTrump/GOP1/24/22Closed
86Rogan O Handley v. Padilla, No. 2:21-cv-04954 (District Court C.D. California)6/17/21RULESTBDCaliforniaState tried to miseducate voters. Currently being appealedTBD6/17/21Active
87VoterGA v. State of Georgia, No. 2021CV353604 (Superior Ct, Fulton)8/24/21MACHINETBDGeorgiaMachines not legalJudge ruled that there was no dispute.A draw5/31/22Closed
88Perdue v. Barron (Superior Court of Fulton County, GA)12/09/21PROCESSTBDGeorgiaQuestionable absentee ballotsCurrently being appealedTBD12/9/21Active
Filings with Trump not Plaintiff Subtotals = 62 20Note: GOP Plaintiff prevailed in 15 out of 18 cases decided on the meritsTrump not plaintiff: Active =3
#Election Integrity Cases with Trump/GOP as DefendantDate FiledTopic *Decided on Merits **StateIssue(s)DispositionRuling FavoredDate of Last OrderStatus
89Washington v. Trump, No. 1:20-cv-03127 (Eastern District Washington)8/17/20MISCYESDCVote-by-Mail (several states vs USPS)Injunction GrantedPlaintiff9/18/20Closed
90Pierson v. Stepien, No. 1:20-cv-09266 (Southern District NY)11/04/20PROCESSYESNew YorkRecount proceduresDefective claimsTrump/GOP11/13/20Closed
91Michigan Welfare Rights Organization v. Trump, No. 1:20-cv-03388 (D.D.C.)11/20/20RULESTBDDCTrump trying to disenfranchise minoritiesCurrently being appealedTBD9/21/23Active
92Maricopa v. Fann No. CV 2020-016840 (Superior Ct of AZ, Maricopa Cty)12/29/20RULESYESDCCounty objecting to a Senate investigationSenate requests are legalTrump/GOP2/25/21Closed
 Filings with Trump, et. al. as Defendant = 4 3Note: GOP Defendant prevailed in 3 out of 4 cases decided on the meritsTrump as defendant: Active =1
For All 2020 Presidential Election Cases# of Decisions  Decided on Merits **      Active Status
Grand Totals =9231Note: Trump and/or the GOP plaintiff prevailed in 23 out of 31 cases decided on the merits4
Main References: *Main Topics are: a) Rules and Regulation legalities or interpretation  (e.g. about absentee ballots); b) Process illegalities (officials correcting ballot errors, etc.);
Stanford Healthy Elections Tracker        c) Voter Improprieties (e.g. non-citizens voting, non-registered citizens voting, deceased parties voting, registered voters voting twice, etc.)
Scotusblog Election Litigation Tracker        and/or d) Voting Machine irregularities (e.g. an algorithm changing the actual results, etc.).
Ballotpedia: Pre- and Post-Election Lawsuits
Brennan Center for JusticeThe Totals for each Primary Topic are: Rules = 51Process = 33Voter = 3; and Machine = 6.  (The total is more than the number of cases, as some cases had more than one Topic.)
Here is the Evidence
Court Listener**Decided on Merits means the Plaintiff was able to argue the facts of the case, and, if applicable, given opportunity to present evidence via Discovery.
Public Interest Legal Foundation      (For example, Discovery might entail an independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the claimed voting malfeasance, impropriety, etc.)
Wikipedia Pre- and Post-Election 2020 Election Lawsuits      For the lawsuits that were voluntarily dismissed, we entered "NA" in the Merits column. For those cases still open, we entered "TBD".
Note 1: Some Non-Merit reasons for stopping lawsuits from going forward are for: a) Standing, b) Timing [Laches],  c) Judicial authority [Jurisdiction], and d) Moot (e.g. not enough malfeasance to make a difference). In each of these situations, the case was not fully heard.
                 In US Supreme Counrt Cases, "Cert Denied" means that the case will not be heard, and the lower court's decision stands. This happens in 90%± of cases submitted to SCOTUS. It does not necessarily mean SCOTUS agrees with the lowe court.
                 In the "Dismissed Moot/Cert Denied" cases above, the majority of the judges did not state why they would not hear these cases. However, Judge Thomas wrote a strong argument against denying Cert here, and he objected to other judges using Moot as an excuse.
Note 2: Disposition breakdown of the 92 lawsuits: Non-Merit = 45 (beige);  To Be Determined (TBD: active) = 4 (white);  Trump/GOP Statutory Wins = 23 (green);  Trump Statutory Losses = 8 (red);  Voluntarily withdrawn (due to consolidation, etc.) = 12 (blue).
                [Two cases resulted in a split verdict. One was labelled as a loss, and the other as a win.]
Note 3: Since several lawsuits were based on new election regulations (e.g. pertaining to absentee ballots), reportedly due to COVID-19 concerns, this is a list of such changes (by state):here.
Note 4: One of the several complexities in putting together such a list, is how to handle cases that are appealed. For example, should one case appealed twice be treated as three cases or one?
    The argument for treating them as three cases is due to the facts that: the judges are different, the amount of evidence presented may be different, etc. In our initial versions of this list, we took this approach.
    However, there are downsides to that treatment: it artificially inflates the appearance of actual cases litigated; do we indicate that this is one case open or three? etc. Although either way has merits, we are now counting such situations as one case.
Note 5: Another complexity is to sort through the multitude of cases filed having to do with 2020 election issues. E.g. the Stanford site (see above) lists 470± such cases (including appeals). We just selected those that directly applied to the Presidential contest.
              That said, we make no claim that this is the entirety of 2020 Presidential election-related cases, but rather those that we were able to find from the several sources cited. If we missed any relevant cases, please send us an email and we will gladly do an update.
Note 6: Some other 2020 Election Reports by the same team of independent volunteer experts are found at: election-integrity.infoThe two primary authors here are Ray Blehar and John Droz.
For any questions, suggestions or improvements to this list — or to sign up for our popular, free (every two weeks) Media Balance Newsletter (which covers Elections to Energy & COVID to Climate):email physicist John Droz, jr.


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